Our professionals are highly qualified to carry out this service, are able to meet the needs of the most diverse types of works.

Reduction of time and financial investment at the end of the project.

We have a qualified and experienced team in the area of paving. Based on the competence, credibility and seriousness that have always guided the activities of our staff, experience acquired over the years and the need for quality and productivity.

Cold Bituminous Mixtures

It is a sustainable technique for the execution of road pavements, economically viable considering the manufacturing process, as well as its impact on the useful life of the infrastructure. The bituminous mixtures are the result of studies carried out in the laboratory to ensure compliance with the standards defined in the Charts of the contracts where they are applied.

Hot Bituminous Blends

Bituminous mixtures, manufactured in the center, resulting from the combination of an aggregate with a bituminous binder, previously heated at higher temperatures than the environment, thus allowing its handling, spreading and compaction.


The process of earthmoving, consists of the change of the form of a land, is the first step for the accomplishment of any work, be it residential or of roads, highways, dams, buildings, condominiums, among others.

Pavimogege has a large fleet of vehicles and equipment of the highest quality that guarantee highly efficient earthmoving services with the necessary agility, providing responsibility and safety throughout the work. With these qualities in its favor the client has a significant reduction of time and financial investment at the end of the work.

Our professionals, highly qualified to carry out this service, are able to meet the needs of the most diverse types of works.

  • asphaltic;
  • Rigid (concrete floors);
  • Parallelepipeds stone;
  • Articulated in concrete blocks;
  • Interlocking in concrete blocks;
  • Guides, gutters and sidewalks;
  • Maintenance and maintenance of roads.
  • Earth moving;
  • Cleaning of land;
  • Excavation;
  • Compressed landfill;
  • Earth dams;
  • Industrial Works;
  • Residential Works;
  • Allotments;
  • Roads;
  • Dams.
Know all our Infra Structures projects